Setup smart product list programmatically

For testing, we need to setup smart product lists programmatically, but w’re not sure how to correctly do the setup. We want to do a simple filter condition on variant ID. The following does not seem to work:

            var productList = new DynamicProductList()
                Id = name,
                SystemId = productListId,
                Items = new List<ProductListToBaseProductLink>(),
                Conditions = new List<DynamicProductListCondition>() 
            var condition = new IdFilterCondition()
                Operator = "equal", // ???
                Value = "123456"

                new DynamicProductListCondition(condition.GetType())
                        SystemId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        Data = condition

            using (Solution.Instance.SystemToken.Use())

Litium version: 7.02

Saw that Mårten had made task to update a smart list example on his github account