Shared folder path is null or empty error

Can anyone please tell me when i setup litium on my local machine i am getting an error that shared folder path is null or empty.Any help would be appreciated

Litium version: 8.12

Do you set local or shared in your appsettings.json? It used to be like below:

 "Folder": {
   "Local": "../Files",
   "Shared": null

I have done like this
“Folder”: {
“Local”: “…/files/local”,
“Shared”: “…/files/shared”

If you use 2 dots instead of 3, will that make it to work.

Can you post your appsettings.json file? Do you have anything in your appsettings.development.json about the folder or in your user secrets? They will override what you have in appsettings.json.

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