Which variant was requested?

If we use product URLs (and not variant URLs) requests to specific variant URLs are redirected to the base product URL. Can we intercept these requests or somehow determine which variant was originally requested?

Litium version: 5.6.0

Have not tried this, but maybe you should check it out https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.web.httprequest.urlreferrer?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view=netframework-4.7.2#System_Web_HttpRequest_UrlReferrer

Thanks, but I can’t see that you include any referer information in the response. Could you elaborate on how we could go about this?

UrlReferrer contains the Url that visitor has visited before going to current page. It can be from google.com, or from your website. In case it is your website, check and find a way to parse that Url and check if it is an Url of a Variant.

Maybe this will help? Get product from Url