Cached search result for pages/products?


When searching for a page/product I’m able to take myself to that page/product.
But when I unpublish the page/product the search result still shows the unpublished stuff.

I assume it has something to do with some sort of cache perhaps?

Is there a clear way of dealing with this?

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:


I don’t know which version you are using but we had a bug in elastic search. Login.

Hey. I’m using 8.11.0.

But still a problem for me.

Did you start on the 8.11 accelerator version otherwise, ensure that you upgrade the accelerator code for elasticsearch to be the latest, otherwise you will still have that bug even that platform is upgraded to later version.

I didn’t start on that accelerator version but I did change stuff around elastic search so things would work again. There were issues so that many things didn’t work, category pages etc.

So everything works as before. But this seems to be above that since this issue also exists in the older version of Litium that we have in production today.

Can you check if the bug is on example on the demo-site or an clean accelerator installation and if the bug is visible there, please report a bug with steps and we can investigate. If the bug does not exists there, then it’s most probably something that is missing when you merged elastic search stuff from the release with your version that was running in production where you also have the problem.

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