Search result empty mid-word

I’m reopening this thread Elasticsearch result empty mid-word.

I have not come to any solution for this problem. Its only in some of out environments. Locally we dont have any issues and everything works spotless. The desired behaviour is that you can continue to edit the search criteria and without interuption add more text to narrow down the result.

The result is empty at certain locations of words.

I know that @patric.forsgard mentioned that I need to provide the result using the elastic search api and include the paramter “explain”. Is there any way I can use the Elasticsearch instance directly in a prod environment?

Litium version: 8.12.0

Have you looked at using ngram?

Yes I looked into this ngram thing, but I’m a bit confused. Is this caused by this really? I have the same setup locally with ngram. Shouldn’t I get the same result?

Is there any way I can get access to the Test Environment so that I can make requests to the elasticsearch instance that has issues directly?

I’m not sure if that is possible today.

Do you mind sharing your elastic search index configuration setup and query builder code?

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