I have some product against an organization which is shown in litium but when i am searching for that products in organization through frontend it is not showing their don’t know what is happening plz help
Litium version: 7
I have some product against an organization which is shown in litium but when i am searching for that products in organization through frontend it is not showing their don’t know what is happening plz help
Litium version: 7
if you are using lucene search, please rebuild the index
A common error is that the product or one of its parent categories are missing a urlname.
I am Using Elastic search
Does anything i should do in elastic search for this problem?
can you please explain it a little bit.
For a product to be visible on the website all the parent categories need to be published.
→ subcategory
→ -> subsubcategory
→ -> → Product
for this product to be avaliable on the website regardless if it is via search or you have a url to the product all the above categories need to have a urlname in same language as the channel and be published in the channel you are viewing.
all the things were published and product and pricelist schedule jobs also runs successfully… is it related to elastic search or redis cache ?
if you know the url paths for the categories and the product you can check if it is possible to go to the product url directly. If it is possible to go to the product page then redis or elastic is the likely issue.
thanks @Spotonkastebo but the issue was elastic search indexes which were not build i rebuild and it starts working… thanks for the suggestions
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