Documentation/instructions regarding Google Analytics (Ecommerce) for Litium 7?


Is there any information available regarding how to set up Google Analytics with ECommerce? From what I understand Litium has support for Google Analytics ECommerce, but not Extended ECommerce. Is this correct? Can’t find any documentation on this and the forum threads are all a few years old.

We have issues with getting the sales data to GA, is there any more configuration needed to get up and running? Tracking for pages seem to work.

Litium version: 7.6.1

you should not have to do anything other then add your analyticsid on the channel if you are not using analytics via GTM. If using GTM you need do some configuration in GTM also. That is if you are using the accelerator.

I would start verifying if ecom datalayer is rendered on the order confirmation page. That you can do directly in code or via plugins to your browser.

If it is a new analytics account you also need to verify that ecom inte enabled on the account i google anlytics.

But be aware that google will shut down google analytics/Universal analytics next year so you need to start to look at google analytics 4 and that there is no support for in litium that i know of at the momeent anyway.

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