Klarna Checkout - Error in ExecutePayment


We have problems with orders sometimes getting stuck in Init state. The order is there in Klarna backoffice, with status Reserved but missing Litium order id (reference). We get this in log:

2019-09-28 08:25:49.5910 [App:02] [c542e0f7-0868-4e50-b5b1-e0dda791f5c6] [DEBUG] [] Litium.Accelerator.Services.Payments.KlarnaPaymentService - Order created, order id c2e7a828-d0aa-4a12-9188-9a88f0bf7ace, external order id "LS213760". 
2019-09-28 08:25:49.6066 [App:02] [c542e0f7-0868-4e50-b5b1-e0dda791f5c6] [DEBUG] [] Litium.Accelerator.Services.Payments.KlarnaPaymentService - Execute payment. 
2019-09-28 08:25:49.6222 [App:02] [c542e0f7-0868-4e50-b5b1-e0dda791f5c6] [ERROR] [] Litium.IWebLog - IWebLog exception 'Specified method is not supported.': 1863a70d-9241-4e19-8125-c1cd17f006c3 System.NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported.
   at Litium.Foundation.Modules.CMS.ModuleCMS.get_WebSites()
   at Litium.Foundation.Modules.CMS.CurrentState.get_WebSite()
   at Litium.AddOns.Klarna.PaymentArgs.KlarnaPaymentArgsCreator.CreatePaymentArgs(CheckoutFlowInfo checkoutFlowInfo)
   at Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Payments.PaymentInfo.ExecutePayment(CheckoutFlowInfo checkoutFlowInfo, SecurityToken token)

The error must be for this row in KlarnaPaymentService.cs
var result = paymentInfo.ExecutePayment(checkoutFlowInfo, _securityToken);

After that we get this error in log, every four hours, trying to excute payment for order:

2019-09-28 12:25:48.8456 [App:02] [d0395033-45de-44fa-99a1-8a60036cf233] [DEBUG] [] Litium.Accelerator.Services.Payments.KlarnaPaymentService - Persisted order is found, order id c2e7a828-d0aa-4a12-9188-9a88f0bf7ace, external order id "LS213760". 
2019-09-28 12:25:48.8456 [App:02] [d0395033-45de-44fa-99a1-8a60036cf233] [DEBUG] [] Litium.Accelerator.Services.Payments.KlarnaPaymentService - Execute payment. 
2019-09-28 12:25:48.8456 [App:02] [d0395033-45de-44fa-99a1-8a60036cf233] [ERROR] [] Litium.IWebLog - IWebLog exception 'Specified method is not supported.': 41c9f595-d6e6-4dc2-981a-6c6495194d08 System.NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported.
   at Litium.Foundation.Modules.CMS.ModuleCMS.get_WebSites()
   at Litium.Foundation.Modules.CMS.CurrentState.get_WebSite()
   at Litium.AddOns.Klarna.PaymentArgs.KlarnaPaymentArgsCreator.CreatePaymentArgs(CheckoutFlowInfo checkoutFlowInfo)
   at Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Payments.PaymentInfo.ExecutePayment(CheckoutFlowInfo checkoutFlowInfo, SecurityToken token)

Any idea of how to proceed with finding the cause for this problem? Not sure what method is not supported.

Litium version: 7.2.3

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Upgrading to the latest version of the Klarna add-on, 4.7.104, released last week should resolve your problem. There was an issue getting the client language if the background call comes first which would result in the exception you’re seeing.

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Thank you! I will try it out.

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