Klarna checkout payment pending status

Hi, I have not encountered pendingstatus in klarna before and the litium statemachine for confirmed and processing transition sees pending, reserved and paid as ok.

Are there any recommendations regarding how to handle pendingstatus on a klarna payment. should one wait for klarna to report ok or just consider the order failed and cancel order and payment?

It looks like that we don’t always get a transactionreference for a klarna payment if it is in status pending and should that be possible? how do one handle these orders?


Litium version:7.2 klarna addon Klarna 4.7.120

The transaction field should contain Klarna OrderId, maybe the request to Klara for notifying order created has failed or maybe the Klarna order is not completed. No error logs?

Haven’t looked into the logs yet since I don’t understand how pending is supposed to work.
What I see is that the state machine thinks that pending is ok for both transition to confirmed and on to processing that means in our case that we send the order to the ERP before we know if the order will be approved or not and even worse, in some cases where we have no klarna reference on the payment.

If the communication to or from klarna failed it is a bit strange that the payment has got status pending with no klarna order id or transactions reference and it becomes a bigger problem when the state machine pushed the order forward and we send it to the ERP.

Is a pending order presented in any other way in the Klarna checkout receipt or does the customer thing everything went as normal?

From what I can se pending status usually occurs when customer tried to pay but failed for some reason and then tried with somone elses information in the checkout. but should e klarna order really be confirmed or even processing in litium if it is in pending?

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