Klarna Shipping Services/Assistant + nShift (Unifaun) shipping option names - how to customize?

We have a standard setup with KCO, KSS/KSA and nShift Checkout (formerly Unifaun Delivery Checkout).

We haven’t paid much attention to the shipping option names presented in KCO before, but due to recent updates in nShift Checkout, there are now three shipping options with the same name “Home delivery” but with different prices and icons; one with the DHL icon and two with the “home delivery” door icon. In nShift these are “DHL home delivery”, “pickup at store” and “store-provided home delivery”.

This has naturally raised the question of how to customize shipping option names in KCO.

I thought the names were sourced from Litium as part of the shipping integration flow, but the Klarna documentation seems to suggest otherwise. https://docs.klarna.com/assets/media/bcf8861f-ddee-450a-a179-5f323d5c1730/compressed/SHIP_swimlane-integration-flow.png

What should be done to customize the names?

Litium version: 7.6.2 + accelerator

Check this:

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The delivery options are all fetched from the TMS by Klarna and not from Litium. I would have assumed that it would use the name configured in the delivery checkout, but this information suggests the name is based on the type of delivery.

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In the two UpdateShippingOption KlarnaPaymentConfigV3 accelerator methods, the shipping option name is more accurate (e.g. “DHL Home Delivery”, so likely the TMS name). Changing the shipping option name in the UpdateShippingOption methods, or adding a description, changes nothing in KCO.

It sounds like it’s not obvious whether this is possible, and, if so, how.

Thank you. In the shipping integrator flow, isn’t nShift Checkout the Integrator in this case?

After my last talk with Klarna, they informed us that this has to be changed in the integration between nShift (Consignor in our case) and Klarna. So you have to tell nShift to change the texts.


Not sure on this part myself but as Eric suggests it is nShift you have to handle.

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Thank you. I have contacted nShift support.

However, in nShift Checkout, the name of the shipping option, the name of the shipping service, and the title of the shipping option, are all customized, but not what appears in KCO. In the nShift Checkout editor, there is nothing further to customize. Do you know what exactly it is that nShift should change?


is just called from Klarna to Litium to let Litium know that the selected or available shipping options have changed?

I can’t say what they need to change, but it should not be hard, as i understand it is in the same json as the price/timeslot etc.

"shipping_options": [

   "addons": [],

   "area": {},

   "carrier": "postnord",

   "class": "standard",

   "delivery_time": {},

   "features": [],

   "id": "option-1234",

   "locations": [],

   "name": "FedEx Priority",

   "preview": false,

   "price": 4000,

   "tax_rate": 2500,

   "timeslots": [],

   "type": "pickup-point"}


Yes, that is correct. Did you configure nShift at Klarnas side? In that case the integration between nShift and Klarna is rendering the shipping options.

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Yes, absolutely. The nShift Checkout integration is working fine. Only the option names are undesirable at this point. nShift Checkout has a rather complicated rule editor, albeit with a test function, and those rules are working as well.

I just got told by nShift Support that it is not possible for them to influence how shipping option names are presented in KCO. And since there’s apparently no way for Litium to do it either, it seems it’s not possible.

But the Klarna support has told me straight out that the TMS provider should be able to change it… Strange

If you can find any evidence of it being possible, i.e. seeing it in the wild, please let me know!

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