Getting the errormessage (sorry for the swedish lang.) “Värde får inte vara null.
Parameternamn: uriString” of this line of code.
checkoutOrder = klarnaCheckout.CreateOrUpdateKcoOrder(order, args);
Has anyone seen this before? Feels like a config missing or something
Litium version: 7.1
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In the Klarna config file, set the tracemode to true, then you would see the communication between Klarna and Litium addon in the log. Check which parameters are sent to Klarna and pay special attention to parameters that say “url” or “uri”.
Thanks, got it a step further by specifying the terms page. But still getting an error dialog, it occurs after email and zip-code has been filled in. Any tips?

In KlarnaWidget.cs comment out line 138 and 139 and try.
// checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.ValidationUrlKey, validateUrl.AbsoluteUri);
// checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.AddressUpdateUrlKey, updateAddressUrl.AbsoluteUri);
Yes, it works. But what am I commenting out?
Those lines are not critical and not always used, for example if customer changes the address it will update the sessionstate on focus out from textbox.
The error happens because of firewall and running locally it should not happen in public site and if it happens in public site then you will need to contact Klarna support.
Remeber to uncomment those lines on production env.
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