Klarna, Klarna Spipping Service, Unifaun

I’m trying to integrate the Accelerator with Klarna checkout and the Klarna Shipping Service addons.
I’ve successfully configured Klarna but after I added the KSS addon I get this error in the Klarna Widget.
I have Klarna configured to use Unifaun for logistics.

What does it mean and any idea why it’s happening?

Litium version: 7.4.2

Usually it’s Validation url or something simmilar that is messing with you

Yes, it’s mentioned on our Docs site as well (albeit somewhat hidden):

Yes, I saw these posts but unfortunately the error persists even with those lines commented out in my local environment. Any other ideas?

checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.TermsUrlKey, termsAndConditionPageUrl);
checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.CheckoutUrlKey, checkoutPageUrl);
checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.ConfirmationUrlKey, confirmationUrl.AbsoluteUri);
checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.PushUrlKey, pushUrl.AbsoluteUri);
checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.ShippingOptionUpdateUrlKey, shippingOptionUpdateUrl.AbsoluteUri);
checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.DeliveryMethodIds, deliveryMethodIds);

#if !DEBUG
     checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.ValidationUrlKey, validateUrl.AbsoluteUri);
     checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.AddressUpdateUrlKey, updateAddressUrl.AbsoluteUri);

These lines are added when adding the KSS addon. Prior to that I had Klarna checkout running.

checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.ShippingOptionUpdateUrlKey, shippingOptionUpdateUrl.AbsoluteUri);
checkoutFlowInfo.SetValue(ConstantsAndKeys.DeliveryMethodIds, deliveryMethodIds);

I tried to comment out the ShippingOptionUpdateUrlKey but with same result.

Looking at the response from the call Klarna makes i see this in the json.

"errors": {
		"generic": [

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