Litium 8 Docker vs IIS

What is the pros/cons on running the MVC project in Docker vs IIS?
Do you have any good points?

My conclusion this far on using docker is:


  • Easier setup for new developers.


  • A little bit longer build time.
  • Can’t use local account (This might be a specific con for the way we share images/database)

Litium version: 8.3


  • I can run the solution on any computer.
  • Dont need to fill my windows with features and keep those synced with other servers.
  • Easier to handle secrets between developers.

The con you are saying about using local accounts I think is how you use the images/databases. :slight_smile: imo.
I dont see any difference in build time.


  • need some sort of documentation when you having like 14 projects locally and all using different versions on images and need seperated ports.
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