How would you design a job in Litium 8 to only run once?
In Litium 7 I would have had a task I can execute from backoffice. How would you do in Litium 8?
Happy coding folks!
Litium version: 8.3.1
How would you design a job in Litium 8 to only run once?
In Litium 7 I would have had a task I can execute from backoffice. How would you do in Litium 8?
Happy coding folks!
Litium version: 8.3.1
You could have class that runs the job and then schedule that class via SchedulerService
, something like this: Execute PriceAgentScheduler from code (not with the "refresh=true" URL)
The DefinitionSetup.cs is like this, by using the _settingService you can block the code from beeing run more then once.
But restart will still execute it if im not wrong?
Yes, a restart would run the job again (if you’re using AutoStart
), but by using the service you could set a flag if it’s been run already and then checking that flag when the job executes.
Okey, it dosent really solve my problem, I feel having a flag is way much than needed when I want something to be run only once, i know it’s a special case everytime it’s different things.
Though thinking about it, it would be nice to have a vertical table or something similar that can be used per channel to keep track of things like this, instead of us creating tables or files to hold flags in!
But thank you for the answers
I should say that the solution depends on what you actual want to do and I think it may be more a manually trigged job than a job that run once.
If we take a job that is executed only one (@Ericsj11 & @NilsN suggestion) will look like this and is executed during startup of the application. If the job have been executed before it will terminate itself.
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Litium.Common;
using Litium.Runtime;
namespace Litium.Accelerator.Mvc
public class SingleStartupJob : IAsyncAutostart
private const string _key = "single-startup-job";
private readonly SettingService _settingService;
public SingleStartupJob(
SettingService settingService)
_settingService = settingService;
public async ValueTask StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (_settingService.Get<bool?>(_key).GetValueOrDefault())
await Execute(cancellationToken);
_settingService.Set(_key, true);
private ValueTask Execute(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Add the code that should be executed only once.
return ValueTask.CompletedTask;
To be able to manage and run a job manually from back office you need to add a panel/settings page that will display the selectable jobs and make it possible to trigger them, the trigger function can be similar to this that @NilsN proposed.
I don’t think I get the content of this, can you explain more of what you trying to do there?
You are a 100% right about trigger job, also this is a one of a kind job. I have gone in another direction, but this would definitely be a good solution to have something only be runned once completly withouth external dependencies!
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