Scheduled jobs not running

please tell me how can i run the scheduled jobs in litium 7.7 version and do they store in database and when they are executed if i am running locally?

Scheduled tasks are setup in web.config under tasksettings.
If you don’t add the allowon attribute the scheduled task will run och every server that is running the application if you have the same configuration in web.config.

          <scheduledTask type="Litium.Web.Sitemap.SiteMapScheduler, Litium.Web.Application" startTime="00:25" interval="24h"/>
          <scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Log.ScheduledTasks.LogTruncateScheduler, Litium.Foundation" startTime="00:30" interval="2h"
            parameters="Trace=1, Debug=2, Info=10, Warn=25, Error=100, Fatal=-1, MaxCount=-1"/>
          <scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Search.IndexOptimization, Litium.Foundation" startTime="02:00" interval="1d"/>
          <scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Campaigns.CampaignDeactivator, Litium.Studio" startTime="00:05" interval="1d"/>
          <scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Payments.PaymentStatusSynchronizer, Litium.Studio" startTime="00:00" interval="2h"/>
          <scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Statistics.StatisticScheduler, Litium.Studio" startTime="00:20" interval="1d"
            parameters="MaxOrderAgeInMonths=6, OrderStates=1;2;3, RelationsLimit=25"/>
          <scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Orders.OrderCleanupScheduler, Litium.Studio" startTime="00:40" interval="1d"/>
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How can I set the start time according to my timezone?

with the starttime attribute but if your timezone are different from the server timezone you just have to calculate what time to use in the config.

Thanks!Can you please tell when they are run because I am not seeing any entry in database table Scheduler.ExecutionInfo so can you please tell when they are run after litium login or just when the application starts?

They are scheduled according to your schedule when application starts. You can see that the schedule is registered in you litium log. if registration of scheduled failed you also see it.

To see that you schedules are running locally you can set a breakpoint of the job av debug.

It is also good to add logging to see that the task has started and stopped.

Log updates in the database I am not aware of how they work and when they are done.

The issue is that they reside under litium libraries so I cant debug the code.i dont know why the jobs are not running.Can i create my own test scheduled job?

Yes you can create your own jobs.

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