Which standard Litium scheduled tasks will be run at each server and which of them will be run on only one server at a load balanced environment?
Litium version: 7
<!--Site map files are created and consumed from the shared file folder. It needs to be on one server only.-->
<scheduledTask type="Litium.Web.Sitemap.SiteMapScheduler, Litium.Web.Application" startTime="00:25" interval="24h"/>
<!--Log truncation is performed via api and update is propagated to all servers. It needs to be on one server only.-->
<scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Log.ScheduledTasks.LogTruncateScheduler, Litium.Foundation" startTime="00:30" interval="2h" parameters="Trace=1, Debug=2, Info=10, Warn=25, Error=100, Fatal=-1, MaxCount=-1"/>
<!-- If you are using ElasticSearch this one also needs to be on one server only. If you are using LuceneSearch then it has to be on each server since the search indices are created and consumed from the actual server. -->
<scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Search.IndexOptimization, Litium.Foundation" startTime="02:00" interval="1d"/>
<!-- Campaign deactivation is performed via api and update is propagated to all servers. This one need to be on the app server only -->
<scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Campaigns.CampaignDeactivator, Litium.Studio" startTime="00:05" interval="1d"/>
<!-- Payment status synchronization is performed via api and update is propagated to all servers. It needs to be on one server only. -->
<scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Payments.PaymentStatusSynchronizer, Litium.Studio" startTime="00:00" interval="2h"/>
<!-- Statistics scheduling is performed via api and update is propagated to all servers. It needs to be on one server only. -->
<scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Statistics.StatisticScheduler, Litium.Studio" startTime="00:20" interval="1d" parameters="MaxOrderAgeInMonths=6, OrderStates=1;2;3, RelationsLimit=25"/>
<!-- Order cleanup is perfpormed via api and update is propagated to all servers. It needs to be on one server only. -->
<scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Orders.OrderCleanupScheduler, Litium.Studio" startTime="00:40" interval="1d"/>
<!-- Audit cleanup is perfpormed via api and update is propagated to all servers. It needs to be on one server only. -->
<scheduledTask type="Litium.Foundation.Modules.ProductCatalog.Products.AuditCleanupScheduler, Litium.Studio" startTime="00:45" interval="1d"/>
<!-- Target groups cleanup is perfpormed via api and update is propagated to all servers. It needs to be on one server only. -->
<scheduledTask type="Litium.Web.Customers.TargetGroups.CleanupScheduler, Litium.Web.Application" startTime="00:13" interval="1d"/>
<!-- Price agent files are created and consumed from the shared file folder. It needs to be on one server only. -->
<scheduledTask type="Litium.Web.Products.PriceAgents.PriceAgentScheduler, Litium.Web.Application" startTime="00:35" interval="1d"/>
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