Make delivery on order editable from BO UI


I am trying to make delivery info on an order editable. I searched a bit and found this post and tried to follow it but I am still not achiving what I want. Here is my code:

propertyMetaInfoBuilder.CreateOrderPropertyMetaInfo("Deliveries", (short)OrderState.Confirmed, true, false, true, true);
propertyMetaInfoBuilder.CreateDeliveryPropertyMetaInfo("Address", (short)OrderState.Confirmed, true, false, true, true);
propertyMetaInfoBuilder.CreateAddressPropertyMetaInfo("Address1", (short)OrderState.Confirmed, true, false, true, true);
propertyMetaInfoBuilder.CreateAddressPropertyMetaInfo("City", (short)OrderState.Confirmed, true, false, true, true);
propertyMetaInfoBuilder.CreateAddressPropertyMetaInfo("Email", (short)OrderState.Confirmed, true, false, true, true);
propertyMetaInfoBuilder.CreateAddressPropertyMetaInfo("FirstName", (short)OrderState.Confirmed, true, false, true, true);
propertyMetaInfoBuilder.CreateAddressPropertyMetaInfo("LastName", (short)OrderState.Confirmed, true, false, true, true);
propertyMetaInfoBuilder.CreateAddressPropertyMetaInfo("Zip", (short)OrderState.Confirmed, true, false, true, true);
propertyMetaInfoBuilder.CreateAddressPropertyMetaInfo("MobilePhone", (short)OrderState.Confirmed, true, false, true, true);
propertyMetaInfoBuilder.CreateAddressPropertyMetaInfo("Phone", (short)OrderState.Confirmed, true, false, true, true);

What am I missing? :thinking:

Another question regarding this… Will the updates I make in the UI be sent to e.g. Klarna?

Litium version: [7.2.0]

There is a slight difference between the other post. Jonas tried to edit customer information that is on the order while you want to edit information on the delivery. I haven’t tested but it is perhaps not the orderstate you should use but the delivery state in the metainfo configuration.

I tried that as well but no diff. :frowning_face: I think the part that is deciding the objekt/level is the method CreateOrderPropertyMetaInfo, CreateDeliveryPropertyMetaInfo, CreateAddressPropertyMetaInfo etc.

This line is from the standard accelerator, it is about modifing the delivery cost which is on the delivery but it is using the orderstate. :thinking:
propertyMetaInfoBuilder.CreateDeliveryPropertyMetaInfo("DeliveryCost", (short)OrderState.Init, false, false, true, true);

It’s not possible to edit deliveries from the back office, you’d have to build a custom panel for that.

Ok, if I build a custom panel for this, how do I update the order in Klarna?

Check with Klarna if it is possible to update the Order when it is paid with the order/payment update api call.

According to Klarna it is possible to modify the shipping and billing addresses using (which is what I need in this case) the order managment api /ordermanagement/v1/orders/{order_id}/customer-details. I guess this is nothing Litium does OOTB? I need to make this call, right?

Yes it seems right :slight_smile:

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