What is the compatibility status for the Payment add-ons and LItium 7?
PayPal and Adyen seems to have a dependency to ModuleCms.WebSites, which is obsolete in litium 7.
Litium version: 7
What is the compatibility status for the Payment add-ons and LItium 7?
PayPal and Adyen seems to have a dependency to ModuleCms.WebSites, which is obsolete in litium 7.
Litium version: 7
Maybe @anusha.ganegoda has some answers?
Sorry for being late. Yes we are working on both Adyen and Paypal and will release an upgrade.
Release is planned for next week as at now.
Any updates regarding this? We are interested in PayPal-addon.
Paypal for Litium 7 was released in late december last year. See release notes.
(I only checked https://docs.litium.com/add-ons/payment-providers/paypal below Compatible with version. Maybe you could update this?)
I will forward that request so the addons will be tagged correctly.
The tagging on docs should now be correct.