Problems with Google Shopping

I have some problems setting up Google Shopping.
I’ve Created a field GTIN on the variant and filled it with a value
In Litium/UI/settings/products/googleshopping I’ve mapped the field to GTIN

Press Save
When I go to http:///priceagent.axd/Googleshopping the GTIN is still empty


Is there anything I’ve been missing?

Also in Litium/UI/settings/products/googleshopping
I can’t save without setting the Google Product Category

How can we save without setting this field?
It’s an optional field and we want google to generate it for us:

Litium version: 7.4

Please, report this as a bug on docs site.

This is the most important field in the feed and when you map this and save then Litium is fetching from Google and populating the Field-options with Google Shoppings own categories, the Litium logic is this happens on Save and you must set this before saving.

Seems like Google has changed its logic and this field is now optional but previous when Litium built the connection this field was mandatory and therefor it had to be set, thus Litium logic was built on their approach.

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Also if you need to see your changes faster then the scheduled job is set for you can do that by running the suffix


in the url, so GTIN value not visible is Not a bug.

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Thanks for reply!
I did a work around by implementing PriceAgentItemFactory and set the values manually.

It still feels that there’s something not right with shipping. (Which is a required field)

Even though i set manually in PriceAgentItemFactory it’s not present in the xml-feed:

priceAgentItemResult.Properties["Shipping"] = $"{country.Id}:::{shipping} {currency.Id}";

Did you implement your own GoogleShoppingPriceAgent.cs also?

No Just the priceAgentitemFactory

Ok then you need to do that otherwise your new priceAgentItemResults will not get rendered.

Ok, so shipping is not supported by default?

No it was not mandatory.

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