Google shopping bug?


“Google Shopping Category” value seems to disappear after when I map it via Settings > Products > Google shopping and click on the button save.

The other fields still have their values except for the Google shopping category. As if Google shopping swallowed it after I clicked on the button save. :smile:

I can see the google shopping value in api/PriceAgent.axd/GoogleShopping so Google shopping is working anyway. Just finding this a little bit strange :smiley:

Best regards,

Litium version: [Version number]

What is your version number and what field are you mapping this to?

Our version number is 7.6.1. I’ve mapped this field to “Google shopping categories” as you can see in the first picture.

Does the field have more than 100 options? My sense it that you’re getting this bug: No Options are shown in Backoffice for a Product if more than 100 Options are added to a TextOption

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