We’re currently upgrading from 6.1.1 to 6.3.1. I’ve fixed FilterFieldTypeMetadata according to this thread. And I’ve deleted FilterJsonFieldTypeConverter since its interface it implements is no longer available.
Now, most things work good, but the order confirmation email doesn’t include any products or price for some reason. It works to look at the order in My pages > order history though. And when it comes to emails, the forgotten password email works fine.
Email is generated at the page /sv/kassa/orderbekräftelseepost?ECOM_ORDER_ID=0deba952-2cropped
Could this be because of of the field framework somehow? Or is it probably more related to some other upgraded nuget package?
How would I begin to debug this?
We’re using Klarna Checkout if that changes things.
Litium version: 6.3.1