Cannot search for customer email after 7.7.6 upgrade

After upgrade from 7.3.3 to 7.7.6 we cannot search for customer email in order search in Sales in Litium backoffce.

Every search on email will result in 0 hits.

We have rebuilt search indices after upgrade and search for order number and customer number works fine.

Is this expected behavior? Haven’t seen anything regarding this in release notes.

Litium version: 7.7.6

I don’t think there’s been any changes to this. I tested in a new 7.7.6 and it works as expected, I get orders back when searching by email.

Can you inspect the index with luke (or similar) and check that the information is there in the body tag?

I upgraded from 7.7.3 to 7.7.6 in a project recently, search for customer email in sales works for me.
Not that big version upgrade, but thought it worth mentioning that it works for us in 7.7.6 as well.

I have managed to find out why this doesn’t work for us. The reason is the OrderNumberPrefix-setting in web.config:

<add key="Litium:Sales:OrderNumberPrefix" value="" />

The search will always try to match if your search phrase starts with the configured order number prefix.

If you have set it to empty, like we have in our solution, the search will always assume you are trying search by ordernumber, and you will not get any hits on for example email or customer name.


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