We are looking for a way to reserve payments from Adyen on order, and then capture the payment when the items are shipped. Does Litium support this out of the box? If so, how?
We are looking for a way to reserve payments from Adyen on order, and then capture the payment when the items are shipped. Does Litium support this out of the box? If so, how?
All our payment provider addOns works almost the same way.
Did you read the documentation?
Yes, I read through the documentation but can’t really figure out how the magic works. I can see the payments in BO where they have the status “Pending,” and in Adyen BO, they’re at “Processing”. But there’s no way for me to update the status of the payments.
The first status in Litium should be Reserved if nothing has gone wrong.
Seems like you are stuck in the payment since Adyen is processing state.
Check with Adyen why payment is stuck in that state, maybe some parameters sent in is not accepted.
So is this a widget in Checkout page or HPP?
What version of Litium?
There was a missing webhook in adyen that caused the status to stay at “Pending”. Once I added the webhook, everything worked as excepted.
Was any documentation missing in that part?
Wouldn’t say missing, but not fully correct. The instructions for Adyen BO in Litium docs look outdated. Even if it wasn’t fully correct, I was still able to figure out what to do though.
Ok we will look into that then
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