Save shopping cart setting

Can anyone explain the differance between the different setting for the shopping cart?

Litium version: 7.1.0


Save products to the shopping cart

Products can be saved in two ways.

  1. Save for logged in user: if the user buys products while logged in, and later logout and login again, his previous items are automatically loaded back. This loading will be done, even if the user login back from a different machine.
  2. Save for all users: The shopping cart information is saved, irrespective of whether a user has logged in or not. This method uses cookies to store the information, therefore if a user moves to a different machine, the items he placed will not be available.

So there is no option where shoppingcart is saved for all user and logged in users can switch computer and keep history?

Still not sure i understand the option correct?
shopping cart not saved - “Shoppingcart stored in session” (Shoppingcart will be lost for user if session lost or user logged out)

Shopping cart saved for logged in - “Store shopping cart for user in database” (Don’t work for not loggen in user) not logged in user lose shopping cart like in shoppingcart not saved.

Shopping cart saved for all users - “Store shopping cart in cookie” (Work for all users but cart isn’t restored if logging in on other computer) Shopping cart lost if switching computer or clearing cookies.

What makes this confusing is that we have the third option not described on that page “do not save shoppingcart”. logout doesn’t clear our cart when logging out. if i logout and login i get same cart.

As default the cart is not clearing the shopping cart when the user is logging out. It is different in different solutions how you want that to be handled.

If shopping cart saved for logged in and you not clearing the shopping cart during logout and then user is logging in again the system does not know that you already have the same products in the cart and will add them again.