What is the exact behaviour of the different shopping cart options in BO?

  • “Do not save shopping cart information”
    If a user is logged in and starts adding products to cart, then log out, the products will still be in the cart.

  • “Save shopping cart information for signed in users only|”
    If a user is logged in and starts adding products to cart, then log out, the products will still be in the cart. BUT if they clear all cookies, the products disappears from the cart, and if they log in with the same credentials, the products return.

Why I’m asking this is because of a client who claimed that “Do not save shopping cart information” should cause that the cart clears on logout, as the client claimed that it had done in previous versions of Litium, and the client now wishes for the site that i am working on as well.

Litium version: 7.1.0

I think Save shopping cart setting will answer on your question.

Thank you! It does. :slightly_smiling_face: