WelcomeEmail not working


I have a WelcomeEmail page in websites.

In the RegisterNewUser() method
_mailService.SendEmail(_welcomeEmailDefinitionResolver.Get(person.MapTo<WelcomeEmailModel>(), person.Email)

The email is never sent. I can’t see any exceptions.

Any ideas?

Litium version: [Version number]

Now I got this error:

What does that mean?

Have you added any mail settings to Web.config?
Have you set a sender email on the Website?

You can use Papercut as a localhost STMP server to test emails when working locally.

Got it working now! Thanks!

One last question:
We need also to send a login link or password reset link after we have registered the new user so the user can log in. There is no code method ready for that today?

The default Accelerator only supports including the login information in the Welcome email, by using variables from the model like this on the Welcome page Websites:

A nice welcome text
Your login information:
Username: {LOGINNAME}
Password: {PASSWORD}

Which then resolves to:


Thank you again! Have a nice weekend!

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