Which config for Synonyms in appsettings.json is correct?

When creating a new project the config looks like this:
(The curly bracket before Synonym is different)

"Elasticsearch": {
      "ConnectionString": "http://host.docker.internal:9200",
      "Username": null,
      "Password": null,
      "Prefix": "Projct-ES-Rev1-",
      "Synonym": {
        "Server": "http://host.docker.internal:9210",
        "ApiKey": null

But when getting configs about a new project from the support the config looks like this:

"Elasticsearch": {
      "ConnectionString": "http://host.docker.internal:9200",
      "Username": null,
      "Password": null,
      "Prefix": "Projct-ES-Rev1-",
      "ConnectionPoolType": "sniffing",
    "Synonym": {
        "Server": "http://host.docker.internal:9210",
        "ApiKey": null

Litium version: 8

First one is correct.

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