Default sorting order for products in back office in Litium 4.8


I log in to back office, go into products sortiment and I want to change the sort order of the products.
I press the “Change sorting order” button. In the page it loads I can change how the products are sorted for example drag product “pants 1” to the top.
When I add new products into the product category (“pants 2”,“pants 3”) they seem to get some default value which makes them to appear at the top of the list before I actively change their order. “Pants 2” and “Pants 3” appear over “Pants 1”.
Why is that and how are they sorted by default?

Litium version: 4.8

You can see SortIndex in the database table dbo.ProductCatalog_Product.

New products are created with SortIndex = -1, but as soon as you do updates by clicking Change sorting order the SortIndex will be updated to 1,2,3…etc.

And if you after updating sort order add yet another product it will get SortIndex = -1 again.

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