I’m upgrading Klarna from V2 to V3 on a Litium 6 with Accelerator.
I’m following this guide:
First, the guide reference to “Changes in class KlarnaPaymentConfigV3:”, I don’t have this class.
But I do have a class named “KlarnaPaymentWidgetConfigV3” which matches the instructions of the guide to what I can do in the class.
When I have followed the guide in this class I end up with multiple errors.
First one is that _requestModelAccessor is null (there are no initiators for this variable in this class so of course this does not work, but I can’t reach anything Called RequestModelAccessor at all.
This is just one of multiple errors that pop up, all of them is mainly something that I can’t reach due to not finding correct namespace.
So, guide is referencing a class that I don’t have and that creates errors in the class I modify isntead that uses the same named methods mentioned in the guide.
Litium version: 6