How can I connect an Inventory to a Channel?

I have 2 Channels WebSE och WebUS, and 2 inventories: SE och US.
How can I connect and Inventory to a Channel?
I want the WebSE Channel to only show inventory from the SE inventory,
and the WebUS Channel to only show inventory from the US inventory.

Litium version: 7.4

The inventory is connected to a Country which in turn is connected to a Channel. You can adjust these settings in Settings > Globalization.

Thank you for Swift reply!
I can’t see the connection to Inventory but I have the connection to countries

So if I have an Inventory with an address in Sweden, it will not be counted by the Stock-calculator?

The inventory is set for the Country, under Settings > Globalization > Countries > select a country. Here’s an example configuration of the country Sweden using the inventory Demo.

If the inventory isn’t connected to the country set for the channel it won’t be used.

Perfect! This was exactly what I was looking for :slight_smile:

Thank you @NilsN :pray:

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