Adding Inventory and Pricelist to channel via DefintionSetup


I am trying to create some countries problematically and add default settings for them.
However I cannot find a way how the Inventory and Pricelist is added via code.

Litium version: 7.6.1

Thanks in advance

You add countries to the inventory and price list. You can’t add a price list to a country.


Worked like a charm thanks!
Do you by any chance also know how to add Delivery and Payment methods to channel? Cannot seem to find them :confused:

I think you get it with something like this, so you do a _channelService.Update after adding it on the channels country link. Was a long time I had to do that myself, but give it a try.

_channelService.Get(channelId).CountryLinks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CountrySystemId == englishCountryId).PaymentMethodSystemIds
_channelService.Get(channelId).CountryLinks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CountrySystemId == englishCountryId).DeliveryMethodSystemIds

Worked perfectly.
Missed that the ChannelToCountryLink differed with the props against the other links :upside_down_face:

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