Some questions about elastic search in Litium

Litium version: [7.5.1]

I have a couple of questions regarding switching to elastic search.

  • As far as I can see there is no litium abstraction on top of Nest (the accelerator works directly on the SearchDescriptor) which would make me believe that switching to elastic search would force us to rewrite all queries against the search index?

  • If we were to start using elastic search in our solution would we then be able to completely disable the indexing using - so that we can stop using seperate indexes for each server?

  • In the accelerator I can’t see a way to search via elastic search using async await - is this not possible?


Hi, I will try to answer what I can.

The Search is built with Abstraction, for example, OrganizationSearchService in this example: How to add a searcher to Accelerator. The actual ElasticSearch implementation is OrganizationSearchServiceImpl, which like you said, is built using Nest. It should be possible to use Nest, or Elasticsearch.Net or any other available Clients. And yes, if you have queries written in Lucene for example, you need to migrate them to Elasticsearch.

After switching to Elasticsearch, you can disable Lucene.Net for PIM and Websites: Disable search index of the inbuilt Lucene.NET

The implementation that was created is only extending the previous accelerator without rewrite that code for async/await pattern. If you want you can change all the calling methods to implement the async/await pattern and using that directly with Elasticsearch.

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