Apps are in the database but not listed in backoffice

I have an issue where I can see in the database that I have apps installed but they are not listed in backoffice under System Settings / Apps.
On some channels / countries in backoffice there are payment methods and delivery methods listed and they are also listed and possible to place orders with on the website. There are some channels / countries where no payment methods or delivery methods are listed in backoffice but there are links in the database in ChannelToCountryLinkShippingOption and ChannelToCountryLinkPaymentOption that links between the countries and the channel.

Anyone who have experienced this? What can be the problem?

If I try to add an option I get a ‘Cannot insert duplicate key’ error which make sense since the link is already in the database. But why isn’t backoffice listing them then?

I’ve tried recycling the app pool, restarting the website, changing the prefixes for Redis and Elasticsearch. I also have restarted my computer. Nothing makes any difference.

Litium version: 8.9.0

My guess is that your redis is used for another installation, try to change redis prefix.

Already tried that. Tried it again a couple times. No difference.

Any other suggestions? I still have the problem.

How do you see that the app is installed when they not is listed in back office?

They are in the database, in the AppManagement.App table. Also as I wrote before, some countries on some channels have payment and delivery options on them in backoffice but looking in the databse there are links in ChannelToCountryLinkShippingOption and ChannelToCountryLinkPaymentOption for all countries on all channels. They’re just not visible in backoffice.
Also on the channels where there are payment and delivery options visible in backoffice they also show up on the website and can be used to place orders with.

Possible to place order

Apps in the database

But apps is not visible in backoffice

Options are visible under country on channel though

Country France

EU channel with country France and no payment options in backoffice

There are links in the database though

This scenario where you have information in database but they not shows up in UI is to 99% that the Redis cache is out of sync to the database. Are you getting the same result if you comment out the usage of the Redis cache?

Remember that you may have the configuration in appsetting.json, appsetting.development.json, as User Secrets or as environment variables in web.config depend on your configuration.

Yes, that helped. I commented out the

      "Cache": {
        "ConnectionString": "localhost:6379,abortConnect=false",
        "Password": null

part of the Redis section in the appsettings file, did a rebuild of the code and now the apps are showing.

Uncommenting it but using the same prefix as before made them disappear again. Changing to a new prefix, still with the Cache part uncommented made them show up again.

Really strange. I’ve tried changing the prefix at least 5-10 times without any luck.

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