I recieved a report where one of my client’s users had placed an order and duplicate orders had been created:
The order with -1 at the end has the status “ConfirmedConfirmed” under General > Origin when viewing order details.
I know don’t know this project well, but I know there has been some changes to how order status is handled, but not to order creation, as far as I know.
I haven’t managed to recreate this as I don’t have access to any test steps.
What is the payment provider used? is it Klarna Checkout? what version of the payment provider addon used? and what exact version of Litium used, is it 7.2 ?
Clicking the browser back button and placing the order might have happened, specially if the buyer did not wait until the receipt is loaded. In the code, probably it is when the receipt is shown that the existing shopping cart and order carrier is cleared in session.