1 Order has been created in Nets, but not in Litium. Under NetsEasyCheckout\WebHookPayments there is a Json file with the order.
Does that mean that it will be created in Litium soon? It has been more then 1 hour now
Litium version: 7.7.1
1 Order has been created in Nets, but not in Litium. Under NetsEasyCheckout\WebHookPayments there is a Json file with the order.
Does that mean that it will be created in Litium soon? It has been more then 1 hour now
Litium version: 7.7.1
If 1 hour has gone that means there is an issue. What addon version is running?
We are using 6.3.102-pre-001.
Can’t find any log info about the issue
Check if background job is running every 5 minutes and why that PaymentId is not getting picked.
Okey i found an error now, does it say anyting to you? (Edited url host name)
2021-10-08 14:25:03.5462 [App:02] [b1a3e1f1-8cb8-444f-8055-b7749091c37e] [ERROR] [] Litium.Accelerator.Mvc.Controllers.Checkout.NetsPaymentController - NetsEasyCheckout: Error occured on PaymentCompletedCallback endpoint! AccountId: , PaymentId: xxxxx Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.ShoppingCarts.ShoppingCartItemInvalidException: Shopping cart invalid: OrderRowNotIncludedInAValidDelivery
at Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.ShoppingCarts.Cart.ValidateCart(OrderCarrier carrier)
at Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.ShoppingCarts.Cart.PlaceOrder(SecurityToken token, PaymentInfo[]& paymentInfos)
at Litium.Accelerator.Payments.PaymentWidgetService.PlaceOrder(IPaymentWidgetOrder paymentWidgetOrder, Boolean isConfirmation) in D:\a\1\s\Src\Litium.Accelerator\Payments\PaymentWidgetService.cs:line 110
at Litium.Accelerator.Mvc.Controllers.Checkout.NetsPaymentController.PlaceOrder(PaymentIdAsResponse response, Boolean isConfirmation) in D:\a\1\s\Src\Litium.Accelerator.Mvc\Controllers\Checkout\NetsPaymentController.cs:line 115
at Litium.Accelerator.Mvc.Controllers.Checkout.NetsPaymentController.PaymentCompletedCallBack(PaymentIdAsResponse response) in D:\a\1\s\Src\Litium.Accelerator.Mvc\Controllers\Checkout\NetsPaymentController.cs:line 84
2021-10-08 14:25:03.5462 [App:02] [9aba0b83-05ee-4a55-a930-ca6b6bba4b3f] [TRACE] [] Litium.AddOns.NetsEasy.Helper.NetsLogger - NetsEasyCheckout tracing: SendAsync, Response message for endpoint: https://www.project.com/site.axd/NetsPayment/PaymentCompletedCallback
The order has some invalid values and it will not be created.
Take the OrderCarrier with same Id inside the OrderCarrierTasks folder and check the values there.
Looks like Deliveries on the order carrier is empty, but everything else exists. Customer info/payment info/Order rows… Thats super strange
What type of payment method is used? It should be visible inside the WebHookTasks json file.
It’s Visa Cardpayments and the customer is swedish.
Can’t find any info about that in the WebHookTasks json file
Ok, I have no idea why this happens, seems somehow Deliveries not getting registered in OrderCarrier. Must be something wrong/different with the added addresses maybe, so they never got added on the Deliveries.
What time is OrderCarrier cleaning tasks set to? If it is set to 300 = 5 hours change it to a week (10080) if there are not many purchases per day otherwise OrderCarrier will get erased.
It’s a couple of thousand orders per month, so i guess it’s fine to save a week
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