Order state waiting confirmation

What causes the below error to trigger and the order is in order waiting confirmation status it never gets confirmed.

For the order with Id f0db6595-28bd-44a1-90fc-87eb7fe430a3 (W10276), state transition engine could not determine whether user has order approval role or not for the user id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002. User with this ID does not exist in as a customer or organization with organizationId e933461e-c827-4487-9efa-3924f8659050 was not found

Litium version: 7

Have a look at this thread:

I have looked into that thread, but the main issue here is why the order is in waiting confirmation when a visitor places order in the application.

The reason is in the error message. The orderstatebuilder could not determine if current user is connected to the organization that is connected to the order or the current user is not order placer or order approver in that organization.

I dont know what user Id = “00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002” corresponds to but it looks like a system user or anonymous user id to me and they can never be connected to a organization since they do not exist in the customer module. You need to be logged in to be able to place a B2B order and you need to be logged in with a person that has orderaprover or order place role in the organizations connected to the order.

The error message is a bit strange since its a bit unclear if the person or the organization wasn’t found or if just the person was missing the correct role.
I don’t have that exact error message in any of my accelerators so i can’t say where in the code it has gone wrong but best starting point i would say is to debug your orderstatebuilder and look at HasApproverRole

I assumed you are trying to place a B2B order since you have a connected organization to your order.

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